A vital connection between our communities and the forest
Through local collaboration we create economic gain, environmental protection and address the economic and social needs of our communities.
What is a Community Forest?
Community forest agreements are long-term, area-based tenures designed to encourage community involvement in, and management of, local forests. The British Columbia Community Forest Association describes a community forest as:
A community forest can be described as a forestry operation managed by a local government, community group, First Nation or community-held corporation for the benefit of the entire community. Community forestry involves the three pillars of sustainable development: social, ecological, and economic sustainability. At its core, community forestry is about local control over and enjoyment of the monetary and non-monetary benefits offered by local forest resources.

Our Area
The Cascade Lower Canyon Community Forest includes approximately 26,000 HA of forest land between the District of Hope, Yale First Nation and the Fraser Valley Regional District. Revenues from forestry operations on those lands are distributed between the partners to support initiatives in the three communities.
Use our online GIS mapping tool
Looking to plan a trip into the backcountry? Want to find your favourite hiking trail? Our GIS topographical map offers different layers of information in our operational area. View our map in as much - or as little - detail as you'd like.
News & Announcements

2024 AGM Announced
We will be hosting our 2023 AGM in person this year on September 12th at 6:30 pm (PDT) at the District of Hope, Council Chambers (downstairs). Read the full post for more details.

2023 AGM Announced
We will be hosting our 2023 AGM in person this year on September 12th at 6:30 pm (PDT) at the District of Hope, Council Chambers (downstairs). Read the full post for more details.

RFP – Tree Planting Services
A Request for Proposal (RFP) has been developed for Tree Planting Services for 10 CLCCF blocks harvested in 2022, totalling approximately 156,670 seedlings to be planted.

Harvesting Update – Nov. 2022
The Cascade Lower Canyon Community Forest (CLCCF) has active harvesting projects currently in the American Creek Drainage (AM008). We are also helicopter logging in the Silver Skagit (SL020, SL002, SL019). Use extreme caution if traveling in these areas during the week, please use posted radio channels (RR22). Thank you CLCCF Staff View GIS Map for…

2022 AGM Announced
We will be hosting our 2022 AGM online on August 10th at 6:30 pm (PDT). Read the full post for more details.

Community Forest issues dividends to partners following strong year of operations
The Board of Directors of the Cascade Lower Canyon Community Forest (CLCCF), a community forest organization that is comprised of a partnership between the District of Hope, the Yale First Nation and the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) closed out the 2021 calendar year by issuing disbursements of $150,000.00 to each Community Forest partner.

Firewood Harvesting permits now available
Looking to harvest firewood? CLCCF has recently developed a firewood permit process with the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources. Residents looking to collect firewood within the CLCCF Community Forest Agreement Area require a permit from Chilliwack District Office, as well as a CLCCF permit. If you have any questions, please contact CLCCF: Cascade Lower…

2021 AGM Announced
Due to COVID-19, CLCCF will be hosting our 2021 AGM online on July 29th at 7:00 pm (PDT). We will be using Zoom. Please note: For security purposes, this meeting will require you to have a unique link and password. To participate, please follow the instructions below by July 22nd at the latest: Instructions: Email…

Grade 1 tree planting along the Coq
New seedlings along the Coquihalla River trails. If you noticed little tree planters this spring along the Coquihalla River trails, you probably saw the grade one class from Hope Elementary on a tree planting field trip. Seedlings planted over the past year or so didn’t survive, so it was a great opportunity to educate and…

RFP – Audit Services
The Cascade Lower Canyon Community Forest includes about 26,000 hectares of crown forest land largely in the vicinity of Hope. To ensure conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and legislated provisions for companies in BC, the CLCCF must ensure an external audit is performed annually by a qualified independent accounting firm. These audits must be…
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