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Dragon’s Back trail update
Happy 2021! We hope your new year is off to a great start. We're happy to announce we've been making some great improvements to our new Dragon's Back Trail. After...

Fall Harvesting & Trails Date
Active Harvesting Areas We are harvesting in Nicklemine NM003 and NM003A, the blocks are just past 4 km on the Nicklemine FSR. Please beware of logging trucks during weekdays, there...

Dragon’s Core Mountain Bike Trail Approved!
CLCCF was approved to build recreation trails via a Section 57 notice in the Silver Skagit area, near the head of the Dragons Back Trail. The concept is that CLCCF...

2020 AGM Announced
Due to COVID-19, CLCCF will be hosting our 2020 AGM online on July 17th at 6:00 pm (PDT). We will be using GoToMeeting. Please note: In order to avoid hacking...

CLCCF hosts Emily Carr University
Cedar bark collection for Emily Carr's First Nations Cultural Program CLCCF's General Manager provided a tour to Emily Carr University's staff of the Cascade Lower Canyon Community Forest area in...

Spring Update – April 2020
Harvesting update: We are currently harvesting in the Emory Drainage at 4km off of the Forest Service road. We are also currently harvesting in the Silver Skagit, off the Eureka...

CLCCF Operations Update
The Cascade Lower Canyon Community Forest (CLCCF) has active harvesting projects currently in the Emory and Nicklemine Drainages. Use extreme caution if traveling on these roads during the week, please...

Brigade Days 2019
The Cascade Lower Canyon Community Forest (CLCCF) Sponsored and attended the 2019 Brigade Days. CLCCF Staff and Cascadia Environmental had a great time at the event. We hope to see...